Research and development

As a result of the acquired scientific-technological knowledge, several lines of work have been opened in which to develop creativity and apply directly discovered theories.

We will mention the design of a short take-off aircraft (VSTOL) that, due to its particular flight mechanics and its geometry, is today (theoretically) the most efficient aircraft on the market.

In addition, in the field of Aerodynamics we can highlight the following direct applications:

  • Computer simulation of fluids in real time. This will have direct application in meteorology, the study of climate, aeronautics, oceanography, hydraulics, biodynamics and hemodynamics, pollution control, and many other fields since fluids intervene in almost all crucial processes of modern life.
  • Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic calculation without wind tunnel or water.
  • Mathematical modeling of flight paths, with direct application in:
    • Advanced robotics applied to UAVs, RPAs, Drones and other aerial devices.
    • GPS positioning systems
    • Navigation systems
    • Fly-by-wire flight control systems.

As medium- and long-term objectives, as soon as we publish the respective theories, it is the application of its results directly to the technology of the materials. The most outstanding applications could be:

  • Calculation of resistance of materials and structures
  • Simulation of the overall behavior of a building (Structural, thermal and acoustic)
  • Design of materials “to measure”.


In the participant section you will find ways to participate in Prades I + D projects. You can do it in many ways, either by providing work, either by providing capital, by providing technology, by providing machinery, or by creating a consortium with us to make a common project. You can do it directly or through a Crowdfunding company………………..

Click on the link and send us your collaboration proposal.